I Bleed Black & Green

I Bleed Black & Green

Friday, March 6, 2015


Happy Friday everyone!!!

I get my boys back tonight, and I also have a wrap party out in Buckingham!  I am so excited for this party!! My Distributor that started 3 weeks ago, is running hard with this business!! This is her 2nd party already!!  I love seeing people pumped and loving these products. 

What's everyone got planned for this weekend?

Our family is decluttering this weekend!!!  My soulmate was gone since last Sunday on a business trip, and I miss him terribly.  I wasn't feeling very well either, cause I've been battling Insomnia :(  THAT is no bueno!!  So I look forward to a good nights sleep with my protector by my side.  Not that I wasn't protected, I had these two furry freaks with me ;)
Hihi, aren't they the cutest?  The little black one is BooBoo.  We saved her almost 2 years ago.  She was in a home that had many animals, but Booboo likes peace and quiet.  And then you have Chicka, the white one.  We saved her just before Xmas of 2014.  She's a handful, but she is so loving and so so soft.  Honestly some of the best dogs I've ever owned.  I would have 10 Chihuahuas.  They are GOLD!
OMG I am ready for a nap. Worse part is I won't have time for a nap before my Wrap Party, so I'm currently taking my greens.  They always pick me up and make me feel refreshed :)
K, lunch time is done.  Sigh.  I look forward to the day where I retire my soulmate (I have a 2 year plan for that) and then myself, before my 40th birthday (my 5 year plan) And I KNOW this business is gonna provide me with that.  It's already giving me WAY more than I had originally planned when I first joined.
Blessed.  I am truly truly blessed <3
Twitter: @mama2fourboys
Instagram @mama2fourboys
Facebook : facebook.com/chantal.fournier.35
Facebook Business Page: facebook.com/dareyoutotryit

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Boo: Facebook Jail ~ Yay: My team is on fire!

Oh man oh man oh man.  I wonder who works behind the scenes at Facebook.

I posted a before and after of one of my distributors belly.  It got reported as Nudity. lol  I got a message showing me the picture and giving me two options.  To take it down, or to confirm that there is no nudity.  Clearly, I confirmed there was no nudity, and WHAM!

I'm laughing, but what's not funny, is I am in Facebook Jail for 24 hours.

Now, I could chose to get upset and seek revenge to whatever troll reported it.  But I'm choosing to see this as a sign.  I am petrified of calling people.  THIS, is gonna make me do something I've never done, and actually pick up the phone to start calling.  The best part? This could change my whole business.

I do however, think it's sad that there are people who are deliberately trying to sabotage my business.  This business is what's helping me get out of debt and provide a better life for my 5 boys.  This business is for my family.  Shame on that person.  But...if there's one thing I've learned in life, is that Karma never sleeps.  You cannot purposely cause harm, and not suffer the consequences. 

So to whomever that felt compelled to cause harm, I am praying for you.  What you do to people, comes back 10 fold, so I honestly hope it was worth it for you.


Last night I had a team meeting at LONESTAR!!! OMG they have yummy food!!!  The company was incredible :)  My team is beautiful.  One of my sidelines reached her DIAMOND status and received the $20 000 BONUS!!!  (That's the rank I'm set up for this month, I just need more customers!!)  We celebrated and talked strategy and what everyone is willing to do to reach their goals and help the team.  We are a STRONG One Team One Mission.  I LOVE that about this business.  Everyone uplifts each other.  Having no relationship with my mother nor my sister, I welcome the women that this business has put in my life.  It's filled a void in my heart and that's priceless to me.

So here's me reaching out to all you viewers.  Would you like to know more about our products?  No matter how far you live, I can set up an Online Party, where I will be showing slides of products and all you do is refresh your browser every 2 mins to see the next slide.  You post questions and we answer.  The products are natural and delivered to your door, so this is an awesome opportunity to check it out and get excited about changing your life inside and out :) 

Please feel free to comment below and we can set one up through facebook (tomorrow cause I'm in Facebook Jail till 10pm tonight) I am also open to other suggestions :)

And now, I know I've made this promise before, but I really need to be more active on my blog.  I need to start sharing more.  I need to offer these products and opportunities to everyone, since they are seriously mind blowing. 

I hope you all have an amazing day, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

God Bless!

Chantal aka mama2fourboys (on Twitter & Instagram)

Monday, January 12, 2015

It's been too long!!

I have been CRAYCRAY Busy with my business, AND I LOVE IT!!!

It's INCREDIBLE how fast time goes!!!
I am leaving for FLORIDA IN 2 DAYS!!! O M G!!!

I CANNOT express enough, how much this business has changed my life, and continues to do so, on a daily basis. 

On a daily basis, someone reaches out, to change THEIR life.  THIS is what I was called to do.  I am so in love with this business, this company and the people that I am surrounded by.  I cannot tell you how blessed I feel.


Off to do more business!! :-)  Feel free to contact me anytime, for more info, or to get started :)

Twitter : @mama2fourboys
Instagram : mama2fourboys